So, recently I have seen more and more and more people promoting and wearing armors and follower pets created by Manticore/Erebos. I admit, a bit ago I fell for the ruse myself and bought a cute little dog there, being rather unaware of the fact that the pets displayed are all ripped from games such as Final Fantasy as well...since I never played those.
And this is just ONE example out of all their stuff. I fear not a single item in that store is NOT stolen.
I myself became suspicious the moment the store began to release a ton of excellent mesharmors...that all seemed oddly familiar to me. :( I could bite my ass for wasting 450 Lindens on the small dog.
I made the experience that ever since mesh was introduced to SL, any random store that pops up with a TON of excellent stuff at once should be regarded with suspicion.
I for once am a huge supporters of original creators and I personally-hate- blowing money of peoples' ass when they sell stolen stuff. I am really sad to see just how few people seem to care about this and don't even feel a bit bad about buying stolen stuff. I guess a lot of people who aren't regular gamers aren't even aware of it, just like me when I bought the dog. FF is one of the few games I never touched.
I do not really think one can expect people to recognize every little piece of stolen stuff from other games, but I do think that a bit of common sense sometimes helps: Large amounts of excellent seeming stuff for low prices from a largely unknown store? = Likely ripped. Not always, but there's a good chance for it.
I personally do not even -mind- if people get stuff for themselves, but as soon as you profit from it, imho you are not only ripping off the creator, but also those who buy from you, letting them believe you buy legal stuff until one day they look into their inventory to find out it's been replaced with an ID from LindenLabs and an odd message in their IMs.
Food for thought.
Arica. :)
PS: I find some reactions, even from bigger bloggers, rather disappointing. Basically they go: It is LindenLabs responsibility to take them down.
Oh sure, it is. But do you really think that takes away -your- responsibility to not support thieves by throwing money at them or displaying their stuff knowling on blogs? I hardly will blame anyone who doesn't know it, but I will blame anyone who is being made aware and still says "Oh, that is LL's responsibility, not mine." Especially since the TOS clearly state that you, as the user of content, have a share of responsibility as well.