Hair: Truth (Truth Hawks, New!!)
Skin: Curio (Gala Phoenix)
Shape: selfmade (not for sale)
Ears: .Illusory. (Crushed Clarity)
Eyes: ::Umedama Holic:: (umetaro Mayo)
Teeth: [PXL] (Hart Larsson)
Blush: Bella di Notte (Jade Glazner)
Freckles: Glamorize (Yoko Leeeroy)
Lipstick: (Ag) (Amiee Galicia)
Make Up: *BOOM* (Aranel Ah), Natural Beauty (Miah McAuley)
Jacket: Zenith (Miffyhoi Rosca, comes in 8 colours!!)
Corsetwrap: Ever After (PersiaSky Lorefield, Store closed. :( )
Shirt+Blouse: RibboN (Mao Melody, 15L Only!!)
Pants: Ladies Who Lunch (Faint Paulse)
Boots: Quality Designs (Eric humby)
Gloves: Caverna Obscura (Elvina Ewing, part of Anariel Armor)
Belt: COCO (cocoro Lemon)
Necklace: Tres Blah (Juliette Westerburg)
Eyepatch: Bombard (Mariyah Lefavre)
Sword: Centipede Weapons (CentipedeWeapons Resident)
Location: Swamps of Arcana (Gorean Role-Play) Arcana Crete
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