Hair: Elikatira (Elikapeda Tiramisu, NEW!! Mesh!!)
Skin: League (Nena Janus)
Shape: selfmade (not for sale)
Horns: Rue (Ruina Kessel)
Eyes: Mayfly (Arkesh Baral)
Ears: Illusory (Crushed Clarity)
Make Up: Kosh (Lynaja Bade)
Lashes: LeLutka (Thora Charron)
Lipgloss: Dead Apples (Soleil Reid)
Facial Tattos: Handverk (Daphne Klossovsky)
Tattoos: La Malvada Mujer (fajna Cortes, Freebie!!)
Bolero: Tokidoki (Maya Levane)
Vest: Awram-Viie (Miraiwave Iwish)
Shirt: PRISS (Erin Winterwolf)
Corset: DCNS (Devin Klaber, Marktplace)
Pants: Sur+ (Sienia Trevellion)
Boots: Coco (cocoro Lemon, Mesh!! GIFT!!)
Belt: Surf Couture (Emma Gilmour)
Necklace: Magenta (Thereaver Barrymore)
Ring: Yummy (Polyester Partridge)
Bangles: Beetlebones (suetabulous Yootz, Mesh!!)
Quiver (Thigh): GSpot (Jalilah Jewel, part of Outfit Shark)
Daggers: Losthaven (Lucia Cyr)
Bow: Centipede Weapons (CentipedeWeapons Resident, Mesh!!)
Location: Arynfell (Fantasy Role-Play), The Lost Realm
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