as announced in my previous post, a couple of likeminded people are currently organising a shopping project for role-players mostly, and I'd like to release a bit of a teaser with some preview-information on it.
Here is our logo, made by Hottest Resident:
Here a few questions we'd like to answer:
What is your GOAL with this event?
We want to promote creators who offer high quality content in general or high quality original content. We have nothing against templates if used WELL and if used to create a unique look. We want to spotlight and bring appreciation to stores that do not dish out mediocre work five times per week, that do not sell blatantly ripped stuff, that do not undercut everyone's reasonable prices. We have a feeling that a lot people are not aware of all the GOOD stuff that is out there that isn't blatantly stolen.
Who will participate?
We've handpicked a nice list of stores who will either appear as regulars or as guests. So far, we have gotten positive feedback from these stores:
1- EZ Weaponry /The Forge (Weapons/Accessories) - Deccan Arida
2- Centipede (Weapons/Accessories) - Kendra Zaurak
3 - Trident (Furniture) - Laufey Markstein
4 - Trident Jewelry (Jewelry) - Rossana Llewellyn
5 - Gspot (Clothing) - Jalilah Jewell
6 - The Library (Clothing) - Dream Resistance/Sabina Takakura
7 - Essences (Skins) - Inka Mexicola
8 - Dysfunctional Dolly Designs (Furniture, Landscaping) - Anke Hatchuk
9 - Roawenwood (Furniture) - Searlait Nitschke
10 - Tia (furniture) - Tia Biscuit
11 - Soedara (Clothing) - Marbella Pronovost
12 - Rainbow Co. (Furniture, Houses) - Huntress Blackrain
13 - Xanimations (Animations, Accessories) - Xanxan Jervil
14 - The Fallen (Clothing) - Triad Fallen
15 - Lightsstar Designs (Clothing, Shoes!) - Krystal Silverweb
16 - Rue (Accessories, Bodyparts) - Ruina Kessel
17 - Alchemy (Skins)- Nina Helix
18 - Panda Express (Accessories, Bodyparts) - Kioko Kumaki (from May on)
19 - Bilo (Clothing) - Mayaa Thistle
20 - The Muses (Clothing) - Dolce Blackflag
21 - Evie's Closet (Clothing) - Evangeline Miles
22 - Innocuous (Clothing) - Circuitous Resident
23 - Kouse's Sanctum (Clothing) - Kouse Singh
24 - Knickknack (Clothing) - Levia Larsson
25 - Silkworms (Clothing) - Trippy Fall
26 - The Plastik (Clothing, Skins) - Aikea Rieko
27 - Aeva/Heartsick (Skins) - Amesha Jewell
28 - The White Armory (Dresses, Weapons) - Colton Drechsler/Bee Dumpling
1 - Handverk (Accessories) - Daphne Klossovsky (Guest)
2 - Arwen's Creations (Clothing) - Arwen Serpente (Guest)
3 - Rochambeau (Clothing/Buildings) - Leviathan Flux (Guest)
4 - Tokidoki (Clothing) - Maya Levane (Special Guest)
5 - Deviance (Clothing) - Surreal LeShelle (Guest)
6 - Es-kimo (Hair, Skins) - Ziekling Bunnyhug (Guest)
7 - Aeros Avatars (Skins) - Pi Rain (Guest)
8 - Fallen Gods (Skins) - Alia Baroque/Elizabeth Tinsley (from June on, Guest?)
9 - Zaara (Clothing, Jewelry) - Zaara Kohime
10 - C'est la Vie (Clothing) - Larcoco Mathy
Please be aware that due to rl circumstances or any other reason this list might change. This is what we have NOW.
When and where will the event start?
The event will likely start on May 4th. I'd like to keep the location a secret for now, since I am still working on it. We do not want the usual boring box-look most shopping events have. However, if you open your eyes, you might stumble on it anyways. :)
What kind of items will be offered? Will there be a discount?
All items that fit into the medieval/medieval fantasy, gorean, ancient Rome/Greece/Persia/Egypt theme are allowed. Furniture, clothing, hair, skins... whatever fits. :) A minimum discount of 25% is planned, a maximum discount of 50%. Anything in between will be decided by each creator. The items do not have to be a new release, but have to be looking 2013. No old stuff. Both genders will be considered. :P We'd like to offer a good deal to customers while at the same time not devalueing the hard work of our creators.
How will the promotion happen?
We will promote through various blogs, forums, we'd like to start a blog for the event, through the logo in stores and on role-play sims. We'd be glad for any simowner who'll be willing to let us display the logo there. There will also be an updategroup or a subscribo (not yet decided) for customers. Plurk, Flickr, many possibilities. :)
I'd like to be an official blogger!?
That's great! We are both looking for role-play bloggers as well as casual fashion bloggers. If we haven't contacted you by April ~ 10th, feel free to contact us (see below!). There are but a few expectations:
1. Your blog must be older than 3 months.
2. Your blog must contain quality pictures.
3. If you knowingly support stores that sell blatantly ripped content and are aware of it, you will not be considered. We ask you to understand this (see 'goals').
4. Please do not ask the creators for review copies! They will contact you instead if they want.
5. You should have a unique, tasteful style.
6. You should be syndicated in at least three of the major feeds such as Iheartsl.
7. Please announce the event every month on your blog and add a link to the blog to your blogroll: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>. If you would put up the banner as well, that would be fabulous. :)
I have a store and would like to join in!?
Please contact any of the four persons listed below. We will have a look at your store and will get back at you. :)
Who do I need to contact if I'd like to blog, have any questions, suggestions, concerns or ideas?
Feel free to contact either of us: Ost Clawtooth, Arica Storaro, Tera Varriale, Kaitlin Eiren.
I am really looking forward to this whole adventure. I am sort of putting my heart into it (and so are the other three!) and it has been an idea I have long been mulling over. I really hope it works out, it will bea firsttime for us as well. :) Keep fingers crossed and stay tuned! :)
<3 Arica
Verryyy exciting! Can't wait to see more!
ReplyDeleteThanks to the organizing team to put an effort on putting together this event because we will love it!
Yeey,! excited about it too, and yes thank you to all who came up with this, its gonna be awsomes. (pokes Pew Pew above <3)