So, WE LOVE ROLE-PLAY finally started and after my epic failnet (aka, my internet cut out three minutes before we were supposed to open) we started and the place was cramped with avis. We are so glad and I want to THANK YOU:
I want to thank the CREATORS, who contributed all these awesome items. I want to thank the bLOGGERS who relentlessly blogged the awesome stuff for the event. My thanks go out to HOTTEST, who displays her amazing art at the exhibition area and made out logo. Last but not least my thanks go out to the TEAM and ADARA, who kept me sane and where more than just a little helpful. THANK YOU! :)
I DO have an IMPORTANT question for you readers though!!! Please use the following POLL and assume you EXPECT those sort of items and that the items even would fit your style usually.
[polldaddy poll=7083087]
Here is the newest outfit. It is a collabo post together with Adara Cascarino! You'll find her posts, featuring different pictures and her items, here: The Messy Little Closet. Check it out!!
Hair: LeLutka (Thora Charron, partial Mesh!!)
Ears: Illusions (Siyu Suen, Mesh!!)
Eyes: The Skinnery (Umazum Metaluna, Mesh!! @ WE LOVE RP!!)
Horns: Europa (Kazuhiro Aridian, @ WE LOVE RP!!)
Nails: How Vexing (Myuuji Bubble)
Dress (incl. bracers, collar, gloves) : The Muses (Dolce Blackflag, Mesh!! Special Edition for WE LOVE RP!!)
Boots: GField (Cerberus Noel)
Facial Chains: Soedara (Marbella Pronovost, @ WE LOVE RP!!)
Headpiece: Glam Affair (Aida Ewing, Fameshed Exlcusive, sorry. :( )
Necklace: Fashionably Dead (Toast Bard)
Ring: Manna (Manna Yoshikawa)
Polearm: EZ Weaponry (Deccan Arida, Mesh!!)
Poses: Magnifique (Scarlet Chandrayaan)
Location: Scotland - Loch Leven (Des Beaumont- Store for RP Buildings), Loch Leven
And, here comes another outfit by THE MUSES! They thought of the guys, too! :D
Hair: Wasabi Pills (MissAllSunday Lemon, Mesh!!)
Skin: The Body Co (The Body Co Resident)
Ears: Illusions (Siyu Suen, Mesh!!)
Eyes: Umedama (Imetaro Mayo)
Scars on Face: Severus Koskinen Designs (Severus Koskinen)
Robe: The Muses (Dolce Blackflag, Mesh!! Special Edition for WE LOVE RP!!)
Gloves: Lightstar Designs (Krystal Silverweb)
Pose/w Daggers: Magnifique (Scarlet Chandrayaan)
I wanted to show you another picture with Adara posing in the BLACK version of this outfit, but unfortunately it has an odd glitch. :/ But please check it out here: The Messy Little Closet.
You forgot "Not my style"
ReplyDeleteThemed event! You'd probably know that beforehand. :D Let me add it tho!
ReplyDeleteI was there at the opening and was REALLY happy. I was expecting maybe a little more things (as always, not much products for the fellows, but I have seen worst), but then I remembered that Fantasy faire was quite recent, there is no real need of a orgy of med-fan outfits or accessoiries afterall. In fifteen minutes, I still manage to spend around 2500 linden (my mensuel Linden budget) which is quite good I think xD But Mostly, I was truly happy to finally see somes products of Aisling's. I know the owners for years and finally seing them involved in such a huge event is amazing.
ReplyDeleteDid you know if any product were "special/only/limited for the event?" or everything will be still available later?
I went there yesterday as soon as I logged in and found many nifty things. :D
ReplyDeleteI'm not a rich lass, so my monthly linden budget is rather low. I can usually only buy the things I really want/need, or I'll risk running out of lindens long before I can exchange again.
ReplyDeleteThere are a few that I am aware of and as far as -I- know they won't be continued afterwards. :) The Muses, Bilo, Kouse's Sanctum, Elymodeare examples. GSpot, Analog Dog, Aisling, Dysfunctional Designs, Ghurab, Birdy/Alchemy, Handverk, C'est la Vie, Es-Kimo, The Skinnery, Evie's Closet, Mabinogion and Arwen's Creations all offer new releases that will be continued at the NORMAL price afterwards, so still an awesome deal. :)
Thank you Irina!! I am very glad that you liked it!! And I saw you at the TWA show yesterday, Falbala invited me over. Good job!