Hair with Scarf: /Wasabi Pills/ (MissAllSunday Lemon, MESH!!)
Skin: Curio (Gala Phoenix)
Shape: selfmade
Ears: .Illusory. (Crushed Clarity)
Eyes: ::Umedama Holic:: (umetaro Mayo)
Lashes: [LeLutka] (Thora Charron)
Blush: Bella di Notte (Jade Glazner)
Freckles: .:Glamorize:. (Yoko Leeeroy)
Make Up: *BOOM* (Aranel Ah), Adam n Eve (Sachi Vixen), Curio May Bonus Make Up
Corset: {DCNS} (Devin Klaber)
Vest: ::TOXIC KITTY:: (Sookie Larnia)
Blouse: ::{u.f.o}:: (Charming Meiler, Vintage Fair Item)
Skirt: The Sea Hole (Drinkinstein Sorbet, part of Nouveau Silk Dress, Vintage Fair Item)
Boots: {mon tissu} (Elie Spot)
Gloves: Caverna Obscura (Elvina Ewing, part of Anariel Armor)
Belt: *Fishy Strawberry* (Fae Eriksen)
Bag: Tokidoki (RokiD) (Maya Levane)
Necklace: [glow] Studio (Anemysk Karu)
Bracelets: *League* (Nena Janus)
Circlet: [Bubble] (Moonbubble Gothly)
Location: Zigana (Non Role-Play), Sea Salts
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