Hair: Truth (Truth Hawks)
Skin: Curio (Gala Phoenix)
Shape: selfmade
Eyes: ::Umedama Holic:: (umetaro Mayo)
Ears: .Illusory. (Crushed Clarity)
Freckles: .:Glamorize:. (Yoko Leeeroy)
Lipstick: (Ag) (Amiee Galicia)
Make Up: LAQ (Mallory Cowen), Natural Beauty (Miah McAuley), *BOOM* (Aranel Ah)
Vest: ::TOXIC KITTY:: (Sookie Larnia)
Tunic: JANE (Janie Marlowe, MESH!!)
Blouse: "NINIKO" (Kae Sahara, part of Tweed Tunic)
Undershirt: Kyoot (Saeya Nyanda)
Pants: +Mocha+ (Flexagons Villota)
Socks: JustB (Bee Baroque, Storewide SALE!!)
Boots: Lucifer's Heart (Cara Ametza, LAZY SUNDAY Item!!)
Gloves: Caverna Obscura (Elvina Ewing, part of Anariel Armor)
Belt: Vive9 (Polina Kaestner, part of Jersey Belted Tee Dress)
Bag: Tokidoki (Maya Levane)
Scarf: -Tres Blah- (Juliette Westerburg, THE SEASONS HUNT, 0L)
Location: The Black Road/Boar's Tusk Tavern (Medieval Fantasy Role-Play), Luke Island
[...] That didn’t quite go as I expected. | The Blogging Elf Und wieder ein Update. [...]