time for a new post. Lately I was asked again and again if I could do a review on some items, usually though, I refused, for two reasons: Most clothing is after all a matter of taste, so my opinion is just that...my opinion and 2. I quite simply don't have the time to do a lot of reviews. But, I decided, every now and then I will. Think it is a good idea? I am not sure yet, some feedback would be awesome.
So here we go, with a usual post first and later on one with a review. :) You'll notice the outfit is a bit similar to the last, but I simply had to blog this stuff once more, this time with the soon to be released pants. :) Promise the next one will be different again!
Hair: LeLutka (Thora Charron)
Skin: League (Nena Janus)
Shape: selfmade
Ears: Illusory (Crushed Clarity, currently not for sale)
Horns: Rue (Ruina Kessel)
Eyes: Mayfly (Arkesh Baral)
Lashes: LeLutka (Thora Charron)
Make Up: Kosh (Lynaja Bade)
Lipgloss: Dead Apples (Soleil Reid)
Bolero: INNOCUOUS (Circuitous Resident, Mesh!! NEW!!)
Blouse: Hal*Hina (Hinano Runo)
Corset: INNOCUOUS (Circuitous Resident, Mesh!! NEW!!)
Pants: INNOCUOUS (Circuitous Resident, Realeased NOW!! Mesh!!)
Underpants: Zenith (Miffyhoi Rosca)
Boots: mon tissu (Elie Spot, Mesh!!)
Gloves: Celoe (Jadenart Resident, Mesh!!)
Belt: Mandala (kikunosuke Eel)
Necklace: Tres Blah (Juliette Westerburg)
Ring: EarthStones (Abraxxas Anatine)
Bow: Centipede Weapons (Kendra Zaudrak)
Dagger on Tigh: LR Weapons (Larion Rhode)
Dagger on Arm: INNOCUOUS (Circuitous Resident, Mesh!! NEW!!)
Location: The Desolate Swamplands (Gorean Role-Play), Skerry of Einar
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