some more outfits from the rather awesome event ONE VOICE FUNDRAISER for GALA PHOENIX. 50% or 100% of all items go to the fund for Gala to cover her legal fees. The event officially starts at midnight SLT. All items displayed besides the skin from Curio (Gala Phoenix) lashes, ears and eyes are available here:
These pictures do not necessarilreflect my taste but I did it for a good cause, so screw my personal opinions when it comes to clothes this time. Pretty in Pink, yay!
Hair: Exile (Kavar Cleanslate)
Skin: Al Vulo! (Hlin Bluebird)
Make Up: Chelle (Aemeth Lysette), CENSORED (Cindy Oysternatz)
Dress: Indyra's Originals (Indyra Seigo)
Shoes: NCore (Claire Messenger/Nuria Augapfel)
Bangles: Indyra's Originals (Indyra Seigo)
Pose: wetcat (wetcat Flux)
Hair: Exile (Kavar Cleanslate)
Skin: Curio (Gala Phoenix)
Make Up: Chelle (Aemeth Lysette)
Top: Medley (Arriah Fiertze)
Pants: The Sea Hole (Drinkinstein Sorbet)
Shoes: NCore (Claire Messenger/Nuria Augapfel)
Necklace: Sax Sheperd Designs (Sax Sheperd)
Bracelet: Handverk (Daphne Klossovsky)
Pose: Bent (Catherine Fairport)
Hair + Base: Wasabi Pills (MissAllSunday Lemon)
Skin: Curio (Gala Phoenix)
Make Up: Doves and Crows (Hottest Resident)
Shirt: This is a Fawn (OMGWTF Barbecue)
Jeans: AngelRED Couture (Lexi Zelin)
Shoes: Milady (Ju Weissnicht)
Bracelet: Handverk (Daphne Klossovsky)
Pose: Bent (Catherine Fairport)
Hair: Exile (Kavar Cleanslate)
Skin: Curio (Gala Phoenix)
Make Up: Chelle (Aemeth Lysette), CENSORED (Cindy Oysternatz)
Lipstick: CENSORED (Cindy Oysternatz)
Sweater: AngelRED Couture (Lexi Zelin)
Shirt: (Darling Monday)
Skirt: Doves and Crows (Hottest Resident)
Shoes: Milady (Ju Weissnicht)
Necklace: Sax Sheperd Designs (Sax Sheperd)
Bracelet: Handverk (Daphne Klossovsky)
Pose: Bent (Catherine Fairport)
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