Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It is not what you say, but how you say it - Bloggers and Item-Review

Ever since I started blogging, I have been frequently asked why I never add any personal comments or similar things to my blog. Here is the answer:

Since quite some time it has become very 'cool' and 'fashionable' to  post your opinion on items and the louder and harsher the wording is, the more views your blog gets, preferably when it comes to 'critique' on other peoples' creations. People love to read 'the truth' and 'honest opinions', they love to add to the drama, to comment on it etc. pp. I am guilty of that, too. I sometimes read such blogs for the mere amusement and head-shaking it causes.

And I agree with some of it. If an item is not worth its money, you have the right to point it out and support your statements with facts. I find that incredibly helpful at times. I often browse some blogs just to see the close ups on skins/clothing and other things that otherwise I might have failed to notice.

Yet, more often than not I lately get the feeling that people go way, way overboard. There is a very thin yet visible line between constructive criticism and destructive criticism. The first one aims at pointing out flaws and encourage the creator to become better or put more effort into their work. The latter however in 99% of the cases causes nothing but drama, hard feelings and usually a very defensive attitude on the side of the creator. The first is something I always support, the latter is something that I consider nothing but intentionally causing drama.

Or is anyone really suprised that a creator gets defensive when a blogger states: "Wow, this shit makes me wanna puke and punch them in the face?" Statements like these, sometimes less harsh, sometimes worse, seem to be really 'en vogue' lately. In Germany, we have a saying: "Der Ton macht die Musik." - which can loosely be translated as: "It is not what you say, but how you say it." You reap what you sow. If I behave like an ass, I don't expect maturity and kindness in return.

So, my personal approach so far is: I only blog things that I truly like. I do not see the point in spending money or wasting time by blogging something that I do not support or like anyway. The things on my blog are things I love and that I pay or always would pay the necessary Lindens for.  I do not blog to have as many people as possible post their opinion or comments, I simply blog to show what sort of outfit I currently love in SL and to possibly inspire other role-players.

I am not saying that I will never start reviewing items as well (never is such a strong word...), but as of now, I don't see the need for it and simply try the positive-only-approach by only blogging items that I can honestly support. Same goes for links, other blogs in my blogroll etc.

My two cents, I hope that answers that question. :)

PS: English is not my native tongue, so please forgive the possible typos, grammar-fails etc.


  1. Ich stimme dir voll und ganz zu!

    Wünsche dir schöne Weihnachten.


  2. Dir auch frohe Weihnachten. :) Und dankeschön!

  3. As you said - and it should be noted - As a blogger, 90% of what you see on the blog I have paid for. If I don't like something, I won't pay for it. If I buy it and it looks bad, I see no point in advertising that fact.
    As a creator, however - I would much prefer you send me a notecard detailing what you did not like about my product, than to blog it for the world to see. I am always happy to change things for my customers. Sometimes I don't catch mistakes right away (for example, seams).

    So, on a two fold approach, I would say - I totally agree with you, as a creator and a blogger!

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  5. Hey you!
    I think in -some- cases, pointing out the bad things about an item is fine. For example, if you buy a skin because you like it and the demo looks fine,a nd then the real skin is full of seams and what not. I guess, in such a case I would appreciated to be warned beforehand instead of wasting approx. 1 k L. Usually though, I would always -first- send a notecard, and if there's no change, -then- write a post, I think that's a good approach. However, I really do not see the point of buying stuff just to THEN tear it apart. :(
