Monday, December 31, 2012

Hold your breath and count to ten... (Happy New Year!)

Hair: Elikatira (Elikapeda Tiramisu, Mesh!!)
Eyes: Mayfly (Arkesh Baral)
Lashes: LeLutka (Thora Charron)
Facepaint: Handverk (Daphne Klossovsky)
Ears: Schadenfreude (Allegory Malaprop)
Hood: Remy (TheRegular Resident, Mesh!!)
Cloak: Zenith (Miffyhoi Rosca, Mesh!!)
Vest: C'est la vie (Larcoco Mathy, Mesh!! New!!)
Leatherdress: League (Nena Janus)
Corset: DCNS (Devin Klaber)
Undershirt: Kyoot (Saeya Nyanda)
Pants: Zenith (Miffyhoi Rosca)
Socks: Fashionably Dead (Toast Bard, Mesh!!)
Legwarmers: tram (Moca Loup)
Boots: Naughty (Lost Thereian, not available anymore)
Gloves: Severed Garden (Berta Avro, part of Berit Outfit)
Sleeves (black): Tulip (Minami Susanova, part of Black Bear)
Belt (Waist): Ingenue (Betty Doyle, Mesh!!)
Ruffles on Belt: Tee*fy (Azure Electricteeth, Mesh! Collabor 88!!)
Belt (hip): League (Nena Janus)
Armwarmers: Boom (Aranel Ah, Mesh!!)
Scarf: Drift (Kallisto Destiny, Mesh!!)
Necklace/Ring: Yummy (Polyester Patridge, Collabor 88!!)
Legarmor: Caverna Obscura (Elvina Ewing, part of Ascalon Ranger Outfit)
Armarmor: The Forge (Kain Flores)
Quiver on leg: GSpot (Jalilah Jewell, part of Shark Outfit)
Sword: LR Weapons (Larion Rhode)
Dagger on thigh: LR Weapons (Larion Rhode)

Location: Goatswood (Victorian/Gothic Role-Play), NeverlandX


Friday, December 14, 2012

Who do you think you are... ?

Hair: Clawtooth (Bubbles Clawtooth, Mesh!! Available at Collabor 88!!)
Shape: selfmade
Skin Detoner: Medley (Arriah Fiertze, deletes the orangey undertone of skins)
Make Up: Kosh (Lynaja Bade)
Eyes: Mayfly (Arkesh Baral)
Ears: Illusory (Crushed Clarity, currently not for sale)
Blouse: ISON (Harry Hyx, Mesh!!)
Vest: So Many Styles (Irie Campese)
Undershirt: Fishy Strawberry (Fae Eriksen)
Pants: Rochambeau (Leviathan Flux, Mesh!!)
Legwarmers: tram (Mocha Loup)
Boots: Naughty (Lost Thereian)
Gloves: Caverna Obscura (Elvina Ewing, part of Ascalon Ranger)
Armwarmers: Ibizarre (Anyusha Lilienthal)
Scarf: Tee*fy (Azure Electricteeth, Mesh!!)
Necklace and Ring: Yummy (Polyester Partridge, available at Collabor 88!!)
Belt: Mandala (kikunosuke Eel)

Location: Darkmoon Isle (Medieval Fantasy Role-Play), Darkmoon Isle


Thursday, November 29, 2012

I survive by the memory...of you.

Hello peeps!

So, where was I? Mostly, in bed. The past weeks were odd for me and finally I got my bum up and went ot the doc, turns out I have a dysfunctional thyroid which caused me to be tired and feel sick all the time. I could sleep 18 hours in a  row at times and still felt as if it were possibly 2-3 hours at most. Well, with the new pills this should hopefully stop now and I'll be able to spend some more time blogging again. :) My apologies if blogging is going slow, but an extremely busy rl + this stupid stuff really kept me distracted.

Please forgive that in my following post I won't post every single (make up/skin-) layer I use. I have gotten a bit tired of meeting almost exact copies of my avatar ingame. While I can see how people might just want the same look, I never considered this blog being a guide about "How to copy every single bit of an avatar" but it is more meant to be inspirational. Especially now, that I finally got my absolutely perfect skin for my elf (I really do love the new Laqroki skin, but it just looked TOO innocent for my elf), I'd like that look to stay unique for a while, though I don't doubt some of you people will figure out what I did anyways. :P

By the way, not fan of this new wordpress layout. Hmph. Never change a running system, damnit!

Hair: Truth (Truth Hawks, Mesh!!)
Shape: selfmade (not for sale)
Lashes: LeLutka (THora Charron)
Eyes: Mayfly (Arkesh Baral)
Ears: Illusory (Crushed Clarity)
Hood: REMY (TheRegular Resident, Mesh!!)
Vest: Milk Motion (Marie Lauridsen)
Corset: LeLutka (Thora Charron)
Dress: League (Nena Janus)
Undershirt: Kyoot (Saeya Nyanda, Simple Cozy Sweater)
Corsetwrap: Ever After (PersiaSky Lorefield, not for Sale anymore :( )
Pants: Zenith (miffyhoi Rosca)
Socks: Enchanty (Nuts Andel)
Shoes: COCO (cocoro Lemon, Mesh!! FREE!!)
Gloves: Caverna Obscura (Elvina Ewing, part of Asclaon Ranger)
Armwarmers: BOOM (Aranel Ah, Mesh!!)
Belt: Tea Time (Eloindir Davi)
Scarf: Molichino (Aurelia Chauveau)
Ring: Handverk (Daphne Klossovsky, Mesh!!)
Necklace: League (Nena Janus)
Quiver: GSpot (Jalilah Jewell, part of Shark)
Dagger: LR Weapons (Larion Rhode)
Bow: Centipede Weapons (Kendra Zaurak)
Armor: The Forge (Kain Flores)

Location: Happy Mood Store (Non-Role-Play), HappyMood

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Botters going Nuts - What can we do?

Hey there,

well, after the whole giant mess around Curio, we already know how damn hard it is for creators in SL to protect their own creations from less creative people who want to leech money...also known as copybotters, texture-rippers and so on. And now it looks as if things are picking up once again.

Since quite some time, there are viewers available which will allow anyone to copy any avatar, including their skin, clothes, textures, hair, eyes and probably everything else, within a few seconds. You say this cannot happen? Well, it happened RIGHT in front of my eyes. I was role-playing with a friend (well, actually we were about to) and I have a bad habit of camming around... a LOT. I was wondering why there was a noobie looking avatar not too far away, clearly they did not belong into that sim, but shrugged it off, turned around to talk to my bf, looked back at my screen, and suddenly my friend stood there, when I was pretty sure I had not moved my cam. ;) At first I was confused, but when I saw my buddy was still standing next to me, and still I had his avi on my camera, when it was about 80 yards away....well, go figure. That happened within maybe 10 seconds. Confronting the person they freely admitted that they thought it was completely okay using that viewer, not against TOS, avatars are for everyone, bla bla bla. I reported them to every simowner I knew and Mister Rulen resident is now on a lot of banlists.

Now, yesterday I looked at my Flickr and saw this:

Read the whole story here:

Sanya Bilavio's (Vive9) Flickr

It appears, that once again Marie2 Cisse and her gang of girls (likely her own alts or some other equally stupid people) managed to draw lots and lots of attention to herself and her...'store'. In this case, she copybotted Inna's complete shape, skin, custom make up and everything else, informed her about it and since then is bragging about how well it sells, of course after trying to 'bribe' her into giving her Lindens in order to prevent her from reselling a shape/make up etc. she never created herself.

A few comments from dear Marie2 Cisse  and 'friends' towards the creator of the items:

[2012/11/02 12:23] Second Life: Alexandriala has given you this body part:
Inna Bilavio shape
Do you want to keep it? "Mute" will block all future offers or messages from Alexandriala.
[2012/11/02 12:23] Alexandriala: Your shape has been copybotted.
[2012/11/02 12:23] Alexandriala: And will be sold.


They try and bribe designers after they bot them as well ::

[2012/10/15 14:08] Gerusa Bastos (marie2.cisse): you lose your mind
[2012/10/15 14:08] Gerusa Bastos (marie2.cisse): creating skin
[2012/10/15 14:09] Gerusa Bastos (marie2.cisse): you think those skins will be on sale
[2012/10/15 14:09] Gerusa Bastos (marie2.cisse): for 1k or more
[2012/10/15 14:09] Gerusa Bastos (marie2.cisse): I can do it for 300L
[2012/10/15 14:09] Gerusa Bastos (marie2.cisse): Full fat pack
[2012/10/15 14:09] Gerusa Bastos (marie2.cisse): :)
[2012/10/15 14:09] Gerusa Bastos (marie2.cisse): Maliah skin will sell more with me than you
[14:10] Gerusa Bastos (marie2.cisse): 20k i am offering
[14:10] Gerusa Bastos (marie2.cisse): for don't distruing this skin


[17:26] issela2: Poor gurl. Never more will be at Eila?
[17:26] issela2: HAHAHA
[17:26] issela2: Take care
[17:34] issela2: I've all your mesh stuff
[17:34] issela2: And I'm going to giving away this

Here she goes on bragging and already posting advertisements for 'her newest creations':

Marie2 Cisse's Flickr


Marie2 Cisse Flickr

Now, with Linden Labs forcing creators to go through lengthy and COSTLY legal processes, I wonder what we can do against such people? Not everyone can fork out the money to pay for such processes or even think about going to court, and not everyone will be able to fund money as Gala Phoenix and her team did with the ONE VOICE event. The process to actually get someone banned fro such things is absurd in Second Life, as sad as it is. Obviosu proof is not enough, you gotta file DMCAs, which can simply be countered...and so on. We all saw it happen with Gala.

So, what CAN we do? That is really the key-question. In my humble opinion, spreading the word about people like these, trying to convince people not to shop there, and that is why I am posting this.

However, quite frankly, the creators of Vive9 would likely do well with telling certain people, such as the dearest Lady Gericault, to shut the hell up, since people like her are NOT helping them by behaving like complete crazies in public. Argue with style, not like some raging rhino using capslock all over the place. O.o

Not too long ago, racist comments caused people to convince Linka Demina, founder of The Dressing Room, to not allow TIGirls to participate in the event due to obvious racist comments. View this here:
Linka Demina's Flickr

They somehow managed to worm they way out of that, though even if the comments were a joke, they were incredibly stupid. But people forgive. But personally, I am out of forgiveness. I am simply asking everyone I know, to ignore these people, to NOT buy their stolen stuff, to spread the word.

I would appreciate if people would actually do this.

The following people are involved with Marie2 Cisse or are her alts:

Marie2 Cisse, Alexandriala, Alemanha (sallygirlpaty aho), Miss Fedorova
and more than likely all the names in this picture, in which she accuses Götzsche Resident to be herself:

Other alts


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Finally, finally, finally...hurray for Laqroki!

Hello fashiongals!
Lately, I felt a little uninspired, likely due to the fact that some of my favourite stores and sims closed. Even outfits I actually liked suddenly did not interest me anymore, so the only thing that made me log in every day was the search for something awesome And here it is:

Laqroki finally released their new skinline: ESSENTIAL. I decided to buy the skin named Saga, and it the FIRST time that I truly felt comfortable with dropping my usual skin, Orchid by the Body Co. I dropped it before for League, but soo enough went back, but in this case I think I actually might stay with Laqroki.
Mallory Cowen, the creator of Laqroki, reworked the whole look of her skins. I am not sure if she will ever rework her older skins as well, but I cannot blame her if she doesn't, given how MANY she released so far. I üersonally am REALLY in love with the look of the face, even though it is, typically for Laqroki, decidedly flawless. But hey, I play an elf, we are supposed to look oh so flawless, so I cannot complain. :)

A skin costs 1990 Lindens and comes with a GIANT package of addons: Lipgloss, different eyebrows, different eyelids, lips on layer, nose on layer (!!!), birthmarks on layer, hairbases in blonde, brown, black and red on layers, eyeliner and smokey eyes on layer, Saga prim eyes, cleavage layer both on tattoolayer and on the undershirt layer. Honestly I think that 1990L is a VERY fair price for this package. Also, there are tons of make ups available, 100L each.

Now you might wonder why nose, mouth and such come on layers? Well, you can combine them with her other skin, Elle, or that's what I ahve been told. Basically, you can add the Elle-Nose to the Saga-Skin or teh other way round and so on. This way, you get to mix all kinds of very unique looks, and I think it is a badass idea!!!

But lets see how these skins look now:

On the left I wear the Laqroki skin in Tone 1.0 (the palest tone), on the right I wear the same skin, just added Arriah Fiertze's Skin detoner. I personally am delighted to see that Mallory managed to significantly reduce that awful yellow/orange ting that most of her older skintones had. In my opinion, it is STILL a bit visible, but that might just be my graphic-settings as well. I personally like it even more with the skindetoner. The make up I wear is from Kosh, the skin tiself is completely bare. The look is very soft and beautiful, I really do love it on my shape. The lips have a nice colour (this is the base colour), a nice sturcture and the spines seem very natural and not as overdone as they often look on other skins. The brows are fantastic imho, not too thick yet visible enough. :) The nose is pretty much perfect, I really do not like the overly thin or bulbous looks that seem so popular lately.The slight rosy blush on the cheeks adds a touch of innocence which I really like for my particular character. ;)

Maybe people who like flaws and possibly a more mature look will not be as happy with this skin as I am.

Note that ALL the following pics have not been reworked in any way besides cropping them and adding a border.

Lets have a look at the body:

I am amazed about how Mallory reworked the body. On her old skins, the belly always had sort of a chubby look and imho, look rather unrealistic. It was one of my biggest petpeeves about her skin. Now? I think the shading is magnificant and very detailed. I like the sporty look the stomach area has to it now, yet it doesn't seem exaggerrated and still very feminine. I especially like the hint of hipbones and muscles. I do believe that the boobs look a bit too plastic for my tastes, maybe the highlighting on them is just too much. However, they are a great improvement compared to the older ones.

I am not sure about the legs and butt. I think the shading on both knees and butt could have been a bit more detailed, but it certainly is no major thing for me. I really do like the shoulderblades as well as the shading around the lower back area. (Please ignore the not so fitting meshfeet....*cough*).

Overall I must say I am personally superhappy with this skin. I think this new line is a GIANT improvement if you compare it to her older skins and they can keep up with pretty much ever yother designer out there once again, if not even outshine them. :)

New hairs, too!

I was never a huuuuge fan of Magika. I bought a hair from them here and there, btu a lot of their hairs just seemed to unnatural or absurd for me. But then, last week, I went there and I couldn't believe my eyes: AWESOME hairs all over the place. :O So, I went in, bought all of them and am ever since a superhappy gal! Elikatira released a new hair, too, though I wish she would add different REDS to her Essential Colour Pack. You ahve the choice between either an orangey version or a very deepred version, both not really looking too natural. I am in love with the styles and the textures on the Magika hair, especially with the red tones as well.

Here they are!



I really love these! And I hope you liked the review. ;)

And now, as a last question, what do you think about this skin on my avatar and about the new haircolour? I am pondering to have my elf become a redhead. :)


PS: New outfit following soon! Had to redo them because I was not happy anymore. :(

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Autumn hits the grid and I love it! :)

Hello peeps,

I finally got my new comp and of course now I tooka pic of my current favourite outfit. Autumn hit Germany, so I decided to go with very autumnliek colours as well. I love them! I also decided to not go with the newest of the newest items possible, but also mix some of my alltime favourites to create a very...scoundrel-like outfit. I just love any kinds of adventuring elves. ;)

Also, you might notice that I managed to get rid of that slightly yellowish tint of the Body Co skin. How? Arriah Fiertze from Medley released a SKIN DETONER which works just fantastically. I LOVE it. It makes so many skins (like old ones from Pink Fuel, Laqroki, the new Vive9 skin etc.) look so much better without that sickly yellow tint. :) Many, many thanks to you, Arriah.

Also, stay tuned for the new LAQROKI skinline,s they are about to be released. I saw some previews and they are...MWAH!

Hair: Burley (Bella Earst)
Skin: The Body Co (TheBodyCo Resident)
Shape: selfmade
Ears: Illusory (Ivy Graves, currently not for sale)
Eyes: Mayfly (Arkesh Baral)
Lashes: LeLutka (Thora Charron)
Lips: Iren (Irischka Hotshot)
Gloss: Glam Affair ( Aida Ewing)
Make Up: Kosh (Lynaja Bade)
Fur-Vest: awram viie (Miraiwave Iwish)
Fur-Bolero: Toki Doki (Maya Levane)
Tunic: Kyoot (Naeya Syanda)
Pants: Zenith (Miffyhoi Rosca)
Corset: LeLutka (Thora Charron)
Socks: Enchanty (nuts Andel)
Boots: Maitreya (Onyx LeShelle, Mesh!!)
Gloves: Caverna Obscura (Elvina Ewing, part of Ascalon Ranger)
Legwarmers: Tram (Moca Loup)
Armwarmer: BOOM (VerucaDarling Resident)
Neckwarmer: League (Nena Janus, FREE GIFT!!)
Slingbelt: Deco (Veluu Faulds, Mesh!!)
Belt: Mandala (kikunosuke Eel)
Legarmor: Caverna Obscura (Elvina Ewing, part of Ascalon Ranger)
Armor (Shoulder/Arms): The Forge (Kain Flores)
Ring: Handverk (Daphne Klossovsky, Mesh!!)
Necklace: League (Nena Janus, NEW!! Mesh!!)
Quiver: GSpot (Jalilah Jewell, part of Shark Outfit)
Bow: Tee*fy (Azure Electricoteeth)
Legrope: GSpot (Jalilah Jewell, part of Poppyseed Outfit)
Thigh Dagger: LR Weapons (Larion Rhode)

Location: Arkhamville (Non-Role-Play), Beaverville

Monday, October 8, 2012

New computer incoming!


For all those who wondered why I seldomly posted: My good old compy is slowly, slowly giving up. I have below average FPS on mid-setting, shadows are a complete no-go and on Ultra I have 1-2 FPS, which makes taking pictures a real pain in the... . :(

Here's the good news: My new computer will arrive this week (probably wednesday) and from then on I will hopefully not have to spend 2 hours or more just to snap a picture ingame and it should all go way, way smoother again. :) I already have three cute outfits prepared, so stay tuned! :)


Arica. :)

Sunday, September 30, 2012

I just want to share your light

Hey there,

I haven't been posting in some time. Two reasons: I got a whole LOT of work to do in reallife and well...World Of Warcraft's new expansion is out, which means I spent a good portion of my free time leveling my hunter. But here is the outfit I currently love most. It doesn't involve new releases, it's not super meshy, but it is an outfit I personally really do like. :) Hope you like it as well! The picture was taken at Port Kar. Please note that I got a special permission to show up there like this. It is a gorean sim and as well all know, women in Gor don't carry weapons and certainly have no elven ears. ;)

Hair: Truth (Truth Hawks)
Skin: The Body Co (TheBodyCo Resident)
Shape: selfmade
Ears: Illusions (Siyu Suen, Mesh!!)
Eyes: Mayfly (Arkesh Baral)
Lipstick: Iren (Irischka Hotshot)
Lipgloss: Glam Affair (Aida Ewing)
Make Up: Kosh (Lynaja Bade)
Corset: Aura (Tyr Rozenblum, Mesh, not for sale anymore)
Bolero: Tokidoki (Maya Levane)
Tunic: Kyoot (Saeya Nyanda)
Undershirt: Fishy Strawberry (Fae Eriksen, part of Wool and Suede Dress)
Pants: Zenith (Miffyhoi Rosca)
Overknee-Socks: Enchanty (Nuts Andel)
Boots: LightStar (Krystal Silverweb)
Armwarmers: Boom (Aranel Ah, Mesh!!)
Stole: Molichino (Aurelia Chauveau)
Gloves: Caverna Obscura (Elvina Ewing, part of Ascalon Ranger)
Belt: Tea Time (Eloindir Davi)
Chestbelt: Deco (Veluu Faulds, Mesh!!)
Necklace: MG (Maxi Grossamer)
Face Chains: Ripped (Beautifully Sinister, Dollarbie)
Ring: Handverk (Daphne Klossovsky, Mesh!!)
Bow: Centipede Weapons (Kendra Zaurak, Mesh!!)
Quiver: GSpot (Jalilah Jewell, part of Shark)

Location: Tales of Port Kar (Gorean Role-Play), Malignance

Monday, September 17, 2012

I don't laugh and I don't cry, but when I do I wonder why

Hair: Clawtooth (Bubbles Clawtooth, Mesh!!)
Skin: The Body Co (The Body Co Resident)
Shape: selfmade (not for sale)
Ears: Illusory (Crushed Clarity/Ivy Graves, currently not for Sale)
Eyes: Mayfly (Arkesh Baral)
Make Up: Kosh (Lynaja Bade)
Lipstick: AG (Amiee Galicia), Dead Apples (Soleil Reid)
Blouse: ISON (Harry Hyx, @ The Arcade Gacha!! Mesh!!)
Skirt: Tulip (Minami Susanova, Mesh!!)
Boots: Maitreya (Onyx LeShelle, Mesh!!)
Belt: Surf Couture (Emma Gilmour)
Bag: Pesca (tsugu Nirvana, @ The Arcade Gacha!!)
Necklace 1: Handverk (Daphne Klossovsky, @ L'accesories September!! Mesh!!)
Necklace 2: MG (Maxi Grossamer, @ Collabor 88, Mesh!!)
Bangles: Beetlebones (suetabulous Yootz, Mesh!!)
Rings: Handverk (Daphne Klossovsky, Mesh!!)
Headpiece: Purple Moon (Poulet Koenkamp, @ L'accesories!!)

Location: King's Landing (A Song of Ice and Fire Role-Play), King's Landing

Monday, September 10, 2012

Think about all the stories that we could've told

Hey fashiongals,

Kumi is out!! Mochi Milena of Pink Fuel finally (!) released her Kumi skin. You can choose from eight different skintones and each package (1100 Lindens) comes with four eyebrow versions, two make ups in each pack as well as four different eyebrows (red, blonde, brown and dark), two different eyelid-version (one for the asian, one for the caucasian look) and a TON of awesome lipsticks. I am a big fan of Mochi's lipglosses and lipsticks, so thats a giant plus for me. Given the bunch of skins you get in only one package, the price of 1100 Lindens is very reasonable imho.

I personally am SO HAPPY that she reworked her skintones. Not too long ago, I pointed out the yellow tint on her old skins on Flickr, and she gave me a bunch of skins of hers to review them and write down suggestions what to change. If THAT'S not customer service...then I don't know. I am amazed to see that she actually took the things that were said (not only by me of course) to heart and reworked them and in my opinion, the result is really nice. I especially like the darker tones, which are not as ashen as most skins without going into the orangey tone-scale.

I like the body though I personally prefer a bit more of a natural look to the boobies. However I think teh skins are of a high quality and at first sight I couldn't spot any seams or oddities. The shadings seem fine, too.

Also, I think the face is VERY pretty...but also very innocent. It might not be the most fitting skin for my pretty but kind of badass elf...what do YOU think? :) I do think I'd have to redo the shape a little? I also was so greedy that I accidentally bought a wrong tone....but now I am happy with it anyway.

And here's my outfit for the day:

Hair: Lelutka (Thora Charron, Mesh!! New!!)
Skin: Pink Fuel (Mochi Milena, New!!)
Shape: selfmade
Ears: Illusory (Ivy Graves)
Eyes: Mayfly (Arkesh Baral)
Lashes: LeLutka (Thora Charron)
Lipstick: Pink Fuel (comes with Kumi Skin)
Make Up: Kosh (Lynaja Bade)
Blouse: So Many Styles (Irie Campese, @ The Dressing Room)
Tunic: Maitreya (Onyx LeShelle, Mesh!!)
Thighs: Mijn (mijn Seoung)
Socks: Enchanty (Nuts Andel)
Boots: Maitreya (Onyx LeShelle, Mesh!! New!!)
Gloves: Caverna Obscura (Elvina Ewing, part of Ascalon Ranger)
Necklace: MG (Maxi Grossamer, Collarbor88!!)
Ring: Kunglers (AvaGardner Kungler)
Bangles: Beetlebones (Suetabulous Yootz, Mesh!!)
Diadem: LaGyo (Gyorgyna Larnia)
Slingbelt: Deco (Veluu Faulds)
Bow: Centipede Weapons (CentipedeWeapons Resident, Mesh!!)
Dagger: LR Weapons (Larion Rhode)

Location: Incantre (Medieval fantasy Role-Play), Incantre

Sunday, September 2, 2012

I don't know what you are looking for

I haven't been super-inspired lately. For some reason I get the feeling that more and more of SL fashion is being overwhelmed with allllll the same stuff all over the place. I am not sure if I can only blame the templates, or generally US, the users, too. There are however a few notable exceptions. :)

Also, I switched back to my Orchid skin for good now, mixing it with a soft, naural lipstick from MOCK. I never liked the dry looking lips on Orchid at all, but the overall skin is just so nice and I got tired of my League skin (despite it being pretty!) for now. What do you think? :O Thoughts? I am still waiting for Laqroki's new line...grrr!

Hair: Lamb (Lamb Bellic, Mesh!!)
Skin: The Body Co (TheBodyCo Resident)
Shape: selfmade
Eyes: Mayfly (Arkesh Baral)
Ears: Illusory (Ivy Graves, currently not for Sale)
Horns: Rue (Ruina Kessel)
Lashes: LeLutka (Thora Charron)
Make Up: Kosh (Lynaja Bade), Plastik (Aikea Rieko)
Lipstick: Mock (Mocksoup Graves)
Cardigan: Tokidoki (Maya Levane, Mesh!! @ FaMeshed)
Corset: Celoe (ShaySibrian Resident, Mesh!!)
Blouse: Hal*Hina (Hinano Runo)
Pants: Innocuous (Circuitous Resident, Mesh!!)
Boots: Mon Tissu (Elie Spot, Mesh!!
Belt: Surf Couture (Emma Gilmour)
Armwarmers: Boom (VerucaDarling Resident, Mesh!!)
Gloves: Coco (cocoro Lemon)
Armor: The Forge (Kain Flores)
Necklace: MG (Maxi Gossamer, Mesh!! @ FaMeshed!!)
Ring: Kunglers (AvaGardner Kungler)
Daggers (hips): Losthaven (Lucia Cyr)
Dagger (leg): LR Weapons (Larion Rhode)

Location: Cours BCC Mainstore (Non-Role-Play), Cours

Friday, August 24, 2012

I am losing my favourite game

Hey folks!

I know I have been slow lately, but I am currently facing some difficulties getting a feeling for SL again, especially because my real life is exceedingly busy and I feel like I barely have time to keep up. And then...

...I got really annoyed. Inspired by THIS picture by Constance Daehlie, I went to The Body Co to test their make ups and try out the Lavender skin. Unfortunately, while it looks GREAT on Constance, Arica looks just strange with it. Grumble!!! And then this: 1. They cost 500 Lindens. That is a LOT for four layers (lips, eyes, blush, whole makeover). 2. There are NO demos. Why on earth would you provide no demos?

But, being the shopping-idiot that I am, after ~ 20 minutes of pondering and hesitation I bought it for my League Skin. I tried it with a demo for their skin which I am considering to buy and ...YAY!!!...I liked it. So today, I put on the make up, switched to my current skin from League..and BAM: There it was. A big fat LAVENDER Logo on my cheek. So, I just paid the super high price of 500 Lindens for this make up...and cannot wear it with any other skin than that one specific skin. Are you kidding me??? Grrrr!! I am angry and annoyed. Not even on my Orchid skin from teh same creator it fits.

Here is a hint: If you sell make up, especially in case you sell expensive make up, provide demos. And if you want to add to versatility and attract more buyers, do not write a hugeass Logo all over it that prevents people it from using it with skins other than your specific, single skin.

It's what I'd call a good attitude towards customers.

Now to the positive things - LAQROKI:

LAQROKI is releasing a new skinline soonish. They have almost always been providing top notch skins, though in my humble opinion during the past years they didn't quite keep up anymore with the quality other designers provided. Their body needed an update badly and the darker skintones were terribly yellowish. I have been seeing a sneakpeak at the new body and it has been mentioned the skintones will be updated as well.

I am pleased with what I see and totally looking forward to try out these skins! I hope they will not only release new ones but possibly update some of the most popular, older skins as well. :) To me, this body looks a whole lot more realistic and detailed than the old one. The strange yellow tendency seems to be erased as well. :)

Mochi Milena of Pink Fuel is about to release her newest skin, Kumi, as well. You can see a nice preview of that skin here. She has reworked her tones and I personally think the face is really, really nice. Stay tuned. I am so damned excited about this skin.

And here is my outfit of the day. :) As you can see, I went back to my 'old' skin, Orchid by The Body Co. Despite their stupid make ups!!!

Hair: Elikatira (Elikapeda Tiramisu)
Skin: The Body Co (TheBodyCo Resident)
Shape: selfmade
Eyes: Mayfly (Arkesh Baral)
Ears: Illusory (Ivy Graves, currently not for sale)
Make Up: Kosh (Lynaja Bade)
Lipgloss: Dead Apples (Soleil Reid)
Dress: U.F.O (Charming Meiler, New!! Mesh!!)
Pants: enchanty (Nuts Andel)
Legwarmers: tram (moca Loup)
Boots: Leverocci (Jin Elfan)
Belt: Tee*fy (Azure Electricteeth, Mesh!!)
Necklace: MG (Maxi Grossamer, Mesh!!)
Ring: Handverk (Daphne Klossovsky, Mesh!!)
Bag: Tokidoki (Maya Levane, Mesh!! New!!)
Stole: Tea Time (Eloindir Davi)

Location: Kingdom of Arerin (Medieval Fantasy Role-Play), Navagrod

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Home again and back to business! :)

Hey guys,
I am back in Germany and finally got all things sorted out. You know, coming home is really good, but once you wake up the next morning and see those giant amounts of laundry...that's just disheartening. :P

But, here is a little peek at where I have been:

Sardegna/Sardinia/Sardinien is an island to the west of italy and belongs to italy as well. As you can see, the weather was just great, I think I saw possibly 4 clouds during the last two weeks. :) Are you jealous yet???! :P

But...back to business. As I promised, I would come up with some cute new stuff, and after trying to catch up with what I have missed the past weeks, I put together a really cute outfit. Sooo many new releases, being gone for two weeks felt like one year! :D

Hair: Elikatira (Elikapeda Tiramisu, New!! Mesh!!)
Skin: League (Nena Janus)
Shape: selfmade (not for sale)
Eyes: Mayfly (Arkesh Baral)
Lashes: LeLutka (Thora Charron)
Ears: Illusory (Ivy Graves, currently not for sale)
Make Up: Kosh (Lynaja Bade)
Lipgloss: Dead Apples (Soleil Reid)
Blush: Bella di Notte (Jade Glazner)
Cardigan: Tokidoki (Maya Levane, New!! Mesh!!)
Pants: The Sea Hole (Drinkinstein Sorbet, Mesh!! New @ Collabor88!!)
Shirt: Kyoot (Saeya Nyanda)
Underpants: Kyoot (Saeya Nyanda)
Boots: DP*yumyum (toraji Voom)
Slingbelt: Deco (Veluu Faulds)
Belt: Bukka (yano Hyun)
Necklace: NHA (kyrha Bouscario)
Ring: Handverk (Daphne Klossovsky)
Dagger: LR Weapons (Larion Rhode)
Bow: Centipede Weapons

Location: Dellhallow (Medieval Fantasy Role-Play), Fjallheim

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Holidays!!! Bella Italia, I am coming!

Hey peeps,

Just a quick update:

I will be gone for a short time, spending the next two weeks in Bella Italia and gonna enjoy the sun there, something we haven't been seeing a lot over here lately! But stay tuned for when I return, I got some cute outfit son my mind!

And this is why I love italy:

See you soon again!

Arica :D

Friday, July 27, 2012

I run away from you...into your dreams

Hair: Burley (Bella Earst, New!! Mesh!!)
Skin: League (Nena Janus)
Shape: selfmade
Eyes: Mayfly (Arkesh Baral)
Lashes: LeLutka (Thora Charron)
Make Up: actchio. (Silver Milneaux, Kosh (Lynaja Bade)
Lipstick: Pink Fuel (Mochi Milena)
Henna: GSpot (Jalilah Jewell, part of Got Fur Outfit)
Top: Baiastice (Sissy Pessoa, @ The Dressing Room Blue! Mesh!!)
Skirt: Tres Blah (Julliette Westerburg, Mesh!! @ C88!!)
Sandals: Slink (Siddean Munro)
Belt: Surf Couture (Emma Gilmour)
Ring: Handverk (Daphne Klossovsky, Mesh!! @ Limited Bazaar)
Bracelet: EarthStones (Abraxxa Anatine)
Necklace: MG (Maxi Grossamer)
Headpiece: La Gyo (Gyorgyna Larnia, @ C88!!)

Location: Happy Mood Store (Non-Role-Play), Happy Mood

Thursday, July 19, 2012

I use my pretty face to find my way to him

Hair: Elikatira (Elikapeda Tiramisu, Mesh!! NEW!!)
Skin: League (Nena Janus)
Shape: selfmade
Ears: Illusory (Crushed Clarity, currently not for sale)
Eyes: Mayfly (Arkesh Baral)
Lashes: LeLutka (Thora Charron)
Make Up: Kosh (Lynaja Bade)
Lipgloss: Dead Apples (Soleil Reid)
Tunic: GSpot (Jalilah Jewell, part of Lupta Outfit, Mesh!!)
Blouse: The Sea Hole (Drinkinstein Sorbet)
Pants: Sur+ (Sienia Trevellion)
Socks: Rebel Xtravaganza (Rouge Darcy)
Shoes: S@bbia (Jury Gothly, Mesh!!)
Bag: GSpot (Jalilah Jewell, part of Lupta Outfit, Mesh!!)
Necklace: Concrete Flowers (Lynaja Bade)
Ring: Zaara (Zaara Kohime)
Bracelets: {me.} (Melody Dominquez, available at ONE VOICE!!)

Location: Dellhallow (Fantasy Medieval Role-Play), Fjallheim

Monday, July 16, 2012

Two can keep a secret, if one of them is dead

Hair: LeLutka (Thora Charron, partial Mesh!! Available at Hair Fair 2012!)
Skin: League (Nena Janus)
Shape: selfmade (not for Sale)
Ears: Illusory (Crushed Clarity, currently not for sale)
Eyes: Mayfly (Arkesh Baral)
Make Up: Kosh (Lynaja Bade)
Blush: Bella di Notte (jade Glazner)
Lipgloss: Dead Apples (Soleil Reid)
Blouse: U.f.O (Charming Meiler)
Vest: LULA (etana Vella, available at ONE VOICE!!)
Skirt: Tres Blah (Julliette Westerburg, available at Collabor88!!)
Boots: Leverocci (Jin Elfan)
Gloves: Celoe (JadenArt Resident, Mesh!!)
Belt: Celoe (JadenArt Resident)
Bag:  GSpot (Jalilah Jewell, Mesh!! Part of Lupta Outfit)
Necklace: Tea Time (Eloindir Davi)
Ring: Kunglers (AvaGardner Kungler)
Earrings: Glow Studio (Linka Demina, available at The Dressing Room!!)
Hairpiece: Balderdash (Saiyge Lotus, available at ONE VOICE!!)

Location: Brundisium (Gorean Role-Play), Gorean Roleplay

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hair Fair 2012 - A summary


As we all know, the Hair Fair 2012, organized by Sasy Scarborough and her team, has opened to the public today. And oh wonder oh wonder - I made it in! Surprisingly quickly even, only cost me like 20 attempts per sim. :P So, here is a summary of my first impression and my favourite styles that I got. :)


There are many, many stores participating. I was especially happy to see some new stores on the horizon, such as LaViere, which is a bran of Azure Electricteeth from Tee*fy, known for her good taste and high quality designs. Then there is Götzsche. I have no clue who they are, but I do know that their style reminds me a lot of LeLutka, with a bit of Elikatira in it. I like it and that name makes me laugh, german girl that I am! ISON by Harry Hyx also has some nice hair, whcih unfortunately didn't really fit to my avi but is nice regardless. Illusory looked pretyt neat, too, though it simply doesn't fit my style. Anya OHMAI also released some really cute hairs. Prolly gonna buy them when I get back into the sim. :P

Of course there are also a TON of old dogs participating, in no particular order: LeLutka, Exile, Clawtooth, Lamb., Wasabi Pills, Analog Dog, D!va, Damselfly, Kik, Waka & Yuki and so many more.

However, I found it a bit sad that a couple of the largest stores (or at least ver ypopular stores) such as Truth, Maitreya and Burley don't seem to participate.  Whatever their reasons, I would have loved to see them there as well!

Layout, setting and lag

The setting is pragmatic and plain, yet not unpretty. I liked the one from 2011 better though, it was more...eyecandy so to say. But then again, I go there to waste my money on pixelhair, not to admire the pretty setting. :D

The whole layout is really easy to navigate and despite the sims being full at all times, I experienced only a bit of lag. Instructions how to avoid lag can be found on the Hair Fair Blog.I highly recommend to read those. In short: No script, reduced draw distance, layer clothing or mesh clothing, no unecessary prims, no particles, reduce the number of avatars shown to you...and you shall be relatively fine.


Overall most vendors worked just fine. It would have just been so much better if truly every designer had sent out the Demos in the respective group. Either SL isn't loading them, or there is a bunch missing. Because it is really anoying having to buy and try demos AT the fair. Please? :D

Also, if you really HAVE to pack your demos/hairs into a prim, make sure it delivers upon attaching it. Clicking it hardly ever worked for me, and people are impatient. :P

Quality of items

I must say, I am a tiny little bit disappointed. I have the feeling (MY opinion!!) that a lot of creators did not really release something new, but simply offered a hairstyle that was very similar to something they already have in their store. That's not necessarily bad, but not overly creative either.

Speaking of creativity: There are only so many over-the-shoulder-styles that I want to buy. I sometimes wished creators would look out what others make and try to be different instead of offering the 1000th version of the same updo or long hair. BUT: Admittedly, there are also only so many styles you can do. I am not sure, maybe my expectations are just too high.

Overall I think there were a lot of good items to be had, but a lot of poorly made ones as well. Trying the demos is absolutely a must!! There is a LOT of mesh-hair out there right now, so trying the demos really is important.

Now for the hairs!!

Left: Lamb! /Middle: D!va / Right: Götzsche

Click on the pic first to view it in its larger version.

Lamb's hair is really cute imho. It looks soft and realistic, which I love. One thing that always bothers me are hairs that I would love to remake in rl, but everyone knows not even with ten bottles of hairspray that would ever work. One thing that I noticed is a 'break' in the texture on the strand on the right, the semi transparent one. Not sure why it does that, but it doesn't bother me enough to not like this hair a lot. :)

D!va has realsed some very, very cute styles for the Hair Fair. They are soft and sweet. However, and that is something that will forever bother me about D!Va: Making hair no mod is an absolute NO GO imho. Making your stuff no mod won't protect you from copybotters, so ...just let it be, please? I happen to know that D!va always fits to my head, but as you can see, their black isn't really black and more like...gray? I'd love to be able to tint this hair. But given how cute it is, I fear I will have to deal. :(

As I said before, I think Götzsche is like a mixture of Elikatira and LeLutka. Their textures are good and the mesh seems to work just fine with my shape in most animations. However, what I noticed after buying, is this strange stray strand on the very left. I am not sure why it is partially invisible from the front. From the very side, it looks normal. Does anyone know why that is the case?! I love it regardless.

Left: Elikatira / Middle: Exile /Right: LeLutka

Click on the pic first to view it in its larger version.

Elikatira's releases for the Hair Fair is found a bit disappointing...besides this one!! I am in love with it. It looks really soft and as always, the quality of both texture and primwork is awesome. Yes, primhair!! Not mesh. Usual sculpts. And it looks so cute! I also like that Elikatira offers a so called 'Essentials'-Pack with all basic colours in it for just 30L more than the regular price. :)

Exiles hair comes with or without feathers. I personally really like them. Without the feathers I thought the style looked pretty bland. I really like the texture as usually and the hair works well with my AO as well. I however wasn't too impressed with the other styles by Exile, but that is a matter of taste I guess. :)

LeLutka's hair has awesome textures and it fits SO well. The hair can be worn with or without attachment, which is a mesh-item. I personally love the very classy style of this hair and prefer it without the attachment. It does remind me of an old, old style from Lamb and finally it fits to my head, too! The other styles offered by LeLutka were pretty awesome as well, though didn't fit my personal style.

Left: Fasionably Dead /Middle: Fashionably Dead /Right: La Viere

Click on the pic first to view it in its larger version.

I never really liked FD's hair..until Toast Bard, the creator, sent me a review copy brunette!!! ARGH! That was evil, because I bet she knew I'd instantly love it and run to buy it in black. ;) J/k. I really like this new hair. It is mesh and I think both styles look really cute. I prefer the left one I guess. The only think that bothers me a bit is the shinyness/glitter on the texture. You can see it on top of the head. It didn't seem as bad on the brunette copies. I am not sure, but that does not seem to match the quality of the overall work on the hair. But..I still like it! :D

LaViere's demos did not contain the dark grayscales, so I was a bit disappointed when I saw this. While on the blondes and especially on those with neon tips or strands the textures seemed really, really nice, the textures on the darker hair seems a bit...blurry? I am not sure. It seems a lot less detailed. Might be due to the colour, but other creators pull off a good black, too! However, these are her first hairs and given the quality of her item swith Tee*fy, I am sure she'll improve. The style of the hair is REALLY cute tho! :)

So, that's it so far. Hope it helped you a bit and good luck getting into the sims. :)

The SLURLS are as following:

Hair Fair 1

Hair Fair 2

Hair Fair 3

Hair Fair 4

Have fun there!!

Arica. :D

PS: A correction on my part: LeLutka's vendors were set correctly, I was simply mislead to believe the scripts in it were to use the vendors as usual LeLutka vendors. My apologies! I got it all mixed up while shopping on two accounts. :(

Thursday, July 12, 2012

You'll be scared when we're alone

Hair: Burley (Bella Earst, NEW!! Mesh!!)
Skin: League (Nena Janus)
Shape: selfmade
Ears: Illusory (Crushed Clarity, currently not for sale)
Eyes: Mayfly (Arkesh Baral)
Make Up: Kosh (Lynaja Bade)
Lipgloss: Dead Apples (Soleil Reid)
Facial Sunburn: BOOM (Aranel Ah)
Tattoo: La Malvada Mujer (faina Cortes, freebie!!)
Shirt: Tres Blah (Juliette Westerburg, Collabor 88!! Mesh!!)
Bodice: DCNS (Devin Klaber, available on Marketplace)
Pants: Innocuous (Circuitous Resident)
Boots: Miel (Mika Nieuport)
Belt (hip): Bukka (yano Hyun)
Slingbelt: Deco (Veluu Faulds)
Hat: Deco (GutterBlood Spoonhammer)
Necklace: Miel (Mika Nieuport)
Ring: Kunglers (AvaGardner Kungler, The Dressing Room Blue!!)
Bracers: Rochambeau (Leviathan Flux, part of Valmeyjar)
Dagger on Arm: Innocuous (Circuitous Resident)

Location: Ark 13 (Postapocalyptic Role-Play), Sunny Side

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Today I am reviewing the released items of a new store: INNOCUOUS. It is my first real review-post so be patient. :) The pants have been released now, too!

Below you can see my avatar in their items, in several variations of colours. The creator of these items wants them to be versatile and combineable. First and foremost, they are geared towards role-players, but honestly I do not think that people who only wear casual clothes should shun these. The pants I would totally wear in rl as well, same with the bolero. They are super cute.

Colours and textures

These are only a few colours of those offered. Corset, cowl and bolero come in five different colours, the pants come in eight colours. I really like them, very classy and even fitting for role-play without looking boring. The textures are highly detailed and unique. I love the shading on both the pants and the bolero.

I am especially happy that the fabrics of these items are fitting for roleplay. Linen, leather, cloth... it is perfect. If you have a closer look, you will see that the buttons, lacings and pockets on the bolero, corset and pants are not drawn onto the texture, but rather little mesh-items themselves which gives them a real 3D look. I think the wrinkles on the pants look especially realistic. Overall, I am really happy with the attention to details the creator has shown.

Shape and fitting

All items (besides the daggers) come in the usual five standard sizes: XXS, XS, S, M and L. In my case, my avi almost always fits in either size S or M. On the pictures I wear the pants in size S and the corset and bolero in size M. If you want to layer meshitems, you obviously will have to choose bigger sizes for the items you wear OVER other items.

In this case, the pants, as you can see on the photo, stick a bit through the corset on my avi's right hip. While moving, that happened a lot. However, this has more to do with me than with the creator: I refused to wear XXS pants to prevent the corset/pants from sticking trhough, or I could have worn the corset in one size larger, but I refused to make my boobs bigger to adjust to that. So, I went with a bit of clashing mesh which, in my case, will be hidden under a belt anyway. I just think outfits with no belt usually look boring. :)

Overall I must say the items fit really well. Only some minor things that I noticed:  For the cowl I needed to wear an alphalayer from one of my LeLutka hairs, otherwise it would have shown on top. But I told the creator about that little problem and she said she'll add alphas to the cowl-vendors, too.

The corset will at times stick through your boobs or not work well with crazy animation, but that's how it goes with pretty much every underbust-corset that I own. I think it is more of a general rigging-problem than a problem this specific item has.

There is also a little gap showing between my legs. Not invisible-ponyrider-worthy, but it is there. Honestly, I have that with pretty much every single meshpants out there and if I want to have it less, I just wear the pants in size M and it looks better already, but then I have to hide that part under the belt, because pants size M and corset size M don't go well together on my shape. I do think that my shape is partially at fault as well, because my elf has a big bum, so well, I'll deal with a small gap. And those pants look really hot from behind, too! ;)

I am especially happy about the length of the pants: perfect for boots. Finally I have mesh-pants than I can wear with boots, woohoo.

So, what's the result?

I think as a summary I can say that despite some minor things that more than liekly will eb ironed out soon, these items REALLY impress me and I hoped this review was helpful for you. If you have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to tell me. :) I am always open for helpful advices.

Arica. :D

If you let me go I'm running fast

Hello everyone,

time for a new post. Lately I was asked again and again if I could do a review on some items, usually though, I refused, for two reasons: Most clothing is after all a matter of taste, so my opinion is just opinion and 2. I quite simply don't have the time to do a lot of reviews. But, I decided, every now and then I will. Think it is a good idea? I am not sure yet, some feedback would be awesome.

So here we go, with a usual post first and later on one with a review. :) You'll notice the outfit is a bit similar to the last, but I simply had to blog this stuff once more, this time with the soon to be released pants. :) Promise the next one will be different again!

Hair: LeLutka (Thora Charron)
Skin: League (Nena Janus)
Shape: selfmade
Ears: Illusory (Crushed Clarity, currently not for sale)
Horns: Rue (Ruina Kessel)
Eyes: Mayfly (Arkesh Baral)
Lashes: LeLutka (Thora Charron)
Make Up: Kosh (Lynaja Bade)
Lipgloss: Dead Apples (Soleil Reid)
Bolero: INNOCUOUS (Circuitous Resident, Mesh!! NEW!!)
Blouse: Hal*Hina (Hinano Runo)
Corset: INNOCUOUS (Circuitous Resident, Mesh!! NEW!!)
Pants: INNOCUOUS (Circuitous Resident, Realeased NOW!! Mesh!!)
Underpants: Zenith (Miffyhoi Rosca)
Boots: mon tissu (Elie Spot, Mesh!!)
Gloves: Celoe (Jadenart Resident, Mesh!!)
Belt: Mandala (kikunosuke Eel)
Necklace: Tres Blah (Juliette Westerburg)
Ring: EarthStones (Abraxxas Anatine)
Bow: Centipede Weapons (Kendra Zaudrak)
Dagger on Tigh: LR Weapons (Larion Rhode)
Dagger on Arm: INNOCUOUS (Circuitous Resident, Mesh!! NEW!!)
Location: The Desolate Swamplands (Gorean Role-Play), Skerry of Einar

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

It is me again! - The pony-riding Chipmunk!

Hellos everyone! :)

I have summer-vacations since yesterday and I loooove it. But it always gives plenty of time to 1. do things I procrastinated the entire time 2. chill and hang with friends 3. prepare our holidays and 4. blog a lot!

Ohai! It is me the chipmunk again!

Once again, a disclaimer:
I bought the items in this picture, which means I LIKE them. But since I did not want to wear nothing at all and go with a newbskin, I had to pick something. If anything, this picture shows that even good, high quality items can look bad on a bad shape.

Not too long ago, I wrote a post about the rather  - in my humble opinion - fugly looking shapes that seem to dominate the blogs and feeds lately. You can find it here: Old Post. Miefi Willis, a fellow german blogger, wrote something rather similar: Momo's Blog.

I believe our opinions on these wonderful beauty ideals of SL are pretty clear: Fugly, fuglier, chipmunkfaces.

So, what constitutes these shapes in general?

As I said, to create this shape I needed ~ 2-3 minutes. The mandatory characteristics are:

1. Set your hips as widely as possible.
2. Make your lips HUGE and PUFFY and turn down the mouthcorner-sliders a LOT.
3. Both the eyesize and the eyeopening should be close to zero.
4. Set eyes so far apart that Admiral Ackbar would be jealous of your pretty features.
5. Tippy-toe-feet are mandatory.
6. The slider that affects the width of your upper nose-bridge: Set it to WIDE, very wide.
7. The rest of the nose has to be Michael Jackson-Style.
8. Bunnyteeth are mandatory. It adds to your sexappeal.
9. Do not forget to set your boobs to ~ 90 at least. They are, of course!!!, not affected by gravity.
10. Add piercings and, if you have it, slutwear. I don't really sport that in my inventory.
11. Angry or sad-panda eyebrows are welcome, too!

Summary: Just exaggerate with every slider and set them to the extremes. The outcome is what would happen if Leia decided to have kids with Ackbar.

But what did the POLL say??!

Here is a screen I gyazoed of the results.

Surprise, surprise! An overwhelming majority does NOT like the frowny ponyriders. Why am I so not surprised at all? So why on earth do we still SEE them everywhere? Yes, I noticed the trend is somewhat declining lately, but still they hurt my eyes. :( Of course, everything is a matter of taste and people can look however they want. I agree. That does however not mean that I will not voice my opinion on certain looks.

In summary, I can only hope that these ...creatures...vanish sooner or later.

But wait! The chipmunk-faces aren't the worst on the grid!

Revelation: The Psychotic Barbie!!!

Amd I not pretty? Well, I'd say while this trend luckily has faded some, there are still many, many around of these. Pretty ladies with legs so long that Linda Evangelista would faint at sight, eyes so big that Sailor Moon would die of jealousy, titties so big Lolo Ferrari pales next to them and très chic flexihair that was way cool in 2007 (yes, this is my hair, too. I liked it a lot way back.). Usually they wear flexi miniskirts and a whole lot of...bling bling bling. And ripped Redgrave skins from 2007. And looks how lovely she smiles! Jo-Jo-Jokerface!

These two do have something in common however, besides being out of porportion and generally being pretty ugly, imho: Tippytoe-feet!

In my opinion, neutral expressions win!

We do not run around the entire day smiling as if we are on drugs, nor do we look 24/7 as if our favourite teddybear has been stolen from us. I think a neutral expression is the best. SURE, you can emphasize the character of your avatar soemwhat by giving it a slight smile or a slight frown (I think I even have the latter?), but there if a fine line between looking good and looking ridiculous.

Gogo once wrote a good article about it with some examples of what I personally find to be pretty okayish. You can find it HERE: Juicybomb.

So, what do YOU guys think? What is worse? Psychotic Barbie versus Chipmunks!

[polldaddy poll=6380627]

Vote, vote, vote!

Yours, always ranting,

Arica. :P

Monday, July 9, 2012

New Store for Role-Play Gear!! - INNOCUOUS

Hellos peeps!

I have some AWESOME news for you: A friend of mine has opened a new store geared towards role-players. Usually involved with making awesome, highquality stuff for the casual SL 'fashionindustry' she now makes stuff for US! WOOOHOO! And I tell you, the stuff is impeccable: Awesome, unique and high quality mesh items with unique textures. Everything is selfmade, too. No templates. You won't see every dummy and their grandma wearing this stuff. I am in love with these things, she constantly showed me the process on the items and I couldn't wait for them to be released. :)

You guys know me, I'd not blog this if I wasn't convinced it is pretty awesome. So I am happy to introduce:

Innocuous will bring you versatile, combineable and high quality clothing and accessories to make your role-play-life a little bit more perfect. Each item comes with a demo to make sure it fits your avatar. So far there are only few items, but I do know for sure she is working on belts, pants, boots and lots of other things, so stay tuned! :) Every item will also be available in different colours.

The mainstore you can visit here: INNOCUOUS MAINSTORE

So here are some pics featuring the new items. :)

She's good at martial arts, too!

Sneaking up to the throneroom...

Hair: LeLutka (Thora Charron, partial Mesh!!)
Skin: League (Nena Janus)
Shape: selfmade (not for sale)
Horns: Rue (Ruina Kessel)
Ears: Illusory (Crushed Clarity)
Eyes: Mayfly (Arkesh Baral)
Lashes: LeLutka (Thora Charron)
Blush: Bella di Notte (Jade Glazner)
Make Up: Kosh (Lynaja Bade)
Lipgloss: Dead Apples (Soleil Reid)
Boleros: INNOCUOUS (Circuitous Resident)
Corsets: INNOCUOUS (Circuitous Resident)
Short: Kyoot (Saeya Nyanda, part of Bronte Dress)
Skirt: Kyoot (Saeya Nyanda, part of Soft Holiday Minidress)
Pants: Zenith (Miffyhoy Rosca)
Boots: LightStar (Krystal Silverweb)
Gloves: Severed Garden (Berta Avro, part of Berit Outfit)
Belt: Mandala (kikunosuke Eel)
Necklace: Maxi Grossamer (Maxi Grossamer)
Ring: Kunglers (AvaGardner Kungler, TDRB Item!!)
Posture-Collar: The Plastik (Aikea Rieko)
Daggers 1: Losthaven (Lucia Cyr)
Dagger on Thigh: LR Weapons (Larion Rhode)
Dagger on Arm: INNOCUOUS (Circuitous Resident)
Bow: Centipede Weapons (Centipedeweapons Resident/Kendra Zaudrak)
Poses: wetcat (wetcat Flux), Olive Juice (IsabellaGrace Baroque), Bent! (Catherine Fairport)

Location: The High Kingdom of Arerin (Medieval Fantasy Role-Play), Navagrod

Here a Gallery with all items so far available, more to come VERY SOON!
