What is this?!
A well established Blog that covers the vast majority of all Sale Events, Sales, Discount Events, Discount Shops, Hunts etc. etc. Fifty Linden Fridays, Lazy Sundays, Elikatira's Birthday Sale, Project Themeory, The Dressing Room, The Fashion Garret, The Seasons Hunt and so much more - we have them all!
Why is this so awesome?!
Because you'll find all items listed there with pictures together with the correct Slurls that lead you right to the stores or events. No annoying hopping from sim to sim anymore just to figure out you didn't like the items. No annoying hunting for hours and hours only to see there was nothing in the hunt you liked at all.
Also, it helps you to save a lot of money and is just awesome for people with either thin purses or those who are unwilling to spend a bunch of Lindens to equip their alt. :)
What sort of items will I find?!
Just about anything from jewelry to hair, clothes, accessories, furniture, buildings, random funky stuff...so many different things!
28 gifts are waiting for you at the Seraphim Headquarters!
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