Hair: Truth (Truth Hawks, New!!)
Skin: Curio (Gala Phoenix)
Horns: [bubble] (Moonbubble Gothly)
Eyes: ::Umedama Holic:: (umetaro Mayo)
Facial Tattoo: [Handverk] (Daphne Klossovsky), La Malvada Mujer (faina Cortes)
Make Up: Dead Apples (Soleil Reid)
Jacket: =Zenith= (Miffyhoi Rosca, New!!)
Dress: Vive9 (Polina Kaestner, New!!)
Vest: -Tres Blah- (Juliette Westerburg)
Undershirt: *Fishy Strawberry* (Fae Eriksen, part of Suede and Wool Dress)
Chainmail-Pants: DragansVarg (Karigan Ducatillon, part of Imrae Dark Elf Armor)
Boots: *COCO* (cocoro Lemon)
Gloves: DragansVarg (part of Imrae Dark Elf Armor)
Necklace 1. NHA! (Kyrha Bouscario)
Necklace 2: ::Je::Suis:: (Julia Merosi)
Ring: [bubble]
Facial Chain: <Ripped> (Beautifully Sinister, dollarbie on Marketplace!!)
Sword on Back: LR Weapons
Arm Dagger: LR Weapons
Belt with Bow: LR Weapons (Larion Rhode)
Thigh Dagger: Designs by Isaura (Isaura Simons, part of Elven Assassin Outfit)
Spear: Losthaven (Lucia Cyr)
Wings: La Malvada Mujer ( faina Cortes, FTLO Sale!!)
Location: Cadair Braeden Medieval Fantasy Role-Play, Cadair Braeden
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