Hair: elikatira (Elikapeda Tiramisu, 70% off SALE !! Go get it!!)
Skin: Curio (Gala Phoenix)
Shape: selfmade
Ears: .Illusory. (Crushed Clarity)
Lashes: [LeLutka] (Thora Charron)
Freckles: .:Glamorize:. (Yoko Leeeroy)
Make Up: *BOOM* (Aranel Ah), (AG) (Amiee Galicia)
Facial Tattoos: [Handverk] (Daphne Klossovsky), +Nuuna+ (Nuuna Nitely)
Vest: *COCO* (cocoro Lemon, SALE!!)
Vest (layer): -Tres Blah- (Juliette Westerburg)
Bloused: (fashionably dead) (Toast Bard)
Pants: *RibboN* (Mao Melody, ~ 40 L!!)
Boots: *LightStar* (Krystal Silverweb)
Owl: Tokidoki (TokiD) (Maya Levane, at Hogwarts: Your Story Fair!!)
Bag: Tokidoki
Bracelets: *League* (Nena Janus)
Necklace: [glow] Studio (Anemysk Karu, The Dressing Room Blue NEW Collection!!)
Belt with Bow: LR Weapons (Larion Rhode)
Location: Pathfinder Lowlands (Non-Role-Play), ImagiLearning Lowlands
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