Hair: Magika (Sabina Gully, New!!)
Skin: Curio (Gala Phoenix)
Shape: selfmade
Eyes: ::Umedama Holic:: (umetaro Mayo)
Make Up: actchio. (Silver Milneaux)
Lashes: [LeLutka] (Thora Charron)
Ears: .Illusory. (Crushed Clarity)
Armor: [The Forge] (Kain Flores)
Vest 1: *Tailleurs Putain* (Noemi Azambuja)
Vest 2: Kyoot (Saeya Nyanda, past FLF item)
Undershirt: *Fishy Strawberry* (Fae Eriksen, part of Suede and Wool Dress)
Pants: MNK*Shop (kaneyan Nicholls)
Socks: Couverture (chocolate Arashi)
Shoes: *{Severed Garden}* (Berta Avro, part of Akis)
Gloves: Caverna Obscura (Elvina Ewing, part of Anariel Armor)
Scarf: Sweet Leonard - Needful Things (Lady Leonard)
Necklace: *League* (Nena Janus, Truth District Event Item)
Belt: [UD] Clothing (Djdutchy Magic, part of Outlaw Short Outfit)
Thigh-Dagger: LR Weapons (Larion Rhode)
Arm-Dagger: LR Weapons
Mouthie: *kucinta* (Kucinta Moody, Marketplace)
Backpack: Atelier AM (aya Huldschinsky)
Location: Oldtown (A Song of Ice and Fire Role-Play), Praxis
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