Hair: ::Exile:: (Kavar Cleanslate)
Skin: Curio (Gala Phoenix)
Shape: selfmade
Ears: .Illusory. (Crushed Clarity)
Horns: .Illusory.
Eyes: ROZENA SKIN (Lindsay Rozen, old Chic Boutique item)
Make Up: -DAMNED- (DAMNEDShop Resident), Dead Apples (Soleil Reid)
Facial Tattoo: Handverk (Daphne Klossovsky, The Gorean Room, 50 L)
Armor: [The Forge] (Kain Flores)
Tunic: *Fishy Strawberry* (Fae Eriksen)
Pants: =Zenith= (Miffyhoi Rosca, part of Black Micro Chevron Pants, New!!)
Vest: =Zenith= (New!!)
Boots: Dead Row Designs (Jaimy Hancroft)
Gloves: Caverna Obscura (Elvina Ewing, part of Anariel Armor)
Ring: Alchemy Immortalis (AlchemyImmortalis Cyannis)
Necklace: [glow] Studio (Linka Demina)
Necklace 2: ::Je::Suis:: (Julia Merosi)
Sword: LR Weapons (Larion Rhode)
Scabbard on Back: LR Weapons (comes with sword)
Dagger on Arm: LR Weapons
Location: The Path (Non-Role-Play), LEA2
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