Hair: Elikatira [e] (Elikapeda Tiramisu)
Skin: Curio (Gala Phoenix)
Shape: selfmade
Make Up: LAQ (Mallory Cowen)
Armor: [The Forge] (Kain Flores)
Vest: *Deviance* (Surreal LeShelle)
Shirt: Caverna Obscura (part of Ascalon Ranger, Elvina Ewing)
Pants: Ravensoul :RS: (Cry Hawker/Zarah Apfelbaum)
Boots: DragansVarg (Karigan Ducatillon)
Leg-Pocket: [UD] Clothing (part of Winter Outlaw)
Gloves: *{Severed Garden}* (Berta Avro)
Belt: [Mandala] (kikunosuke Eel)
Leg-Knives 1 : Designs by Isaura (Isaura Simons)
Leg-Knife 2: [Virtual/Insanity] (Loviathar Hellman)
Necklace: [glow] studio (past TDR Blue item, Linka Demina)
Ring: Zaara (Zaara Kohime)
Daggers: Chrysallis Labs (Aeon Twine)
Wristbow: LR Weapons (Larion Rhode)
Bow: Centipede Weapons (Centipedeweapons Resident)
Location: The Black Road Role-Play, Luke Island
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